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Book cover
Uncanny realities
Автор: Museum Frieder Burda
Издателство: Museum Frieder Burda
Година на издаване: 2010
Език: EN
Категория: Изкуство
Достъпност: Книгата може да се вземе

Рейтинг: 0 / 0 гласа


One of the aspirations of the exhibitions mounted by the Museum Frieder Burda is to sustain our awareness for the respective forms of artistic expression and provide the different positions in art with a public forum. With the context of the realism debate, the two protagonists of our current exhibition, the sculptor Duane Hunson and the photographic artist Gregory Crewdson, two Americans representing different generation, exemplify the ruthless criticism of the "American way of life" in the province - from which, by the way, European reality is not at all that far removed.

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