The book is one of the few heavenly places where the human mind is able to receive both freedom, and solitude at the same time. Books are real places where people find information or provocation.
That is why Powwow provides its club members with a real place that offers a balanced collection of printed materials, a place for reading, researching, socializing and expressing emotions.
Every club member may borrow fiction, science fiction, technical and children's literature, according to their specific preferences for satisfying their personal intellectual needs. Provided that you have a strong desire to read a particular book, which we currently do not have in our library, we may purchase this book for you. Send us a request about the book that excites you, and after reading it, we will be delighted to receive your opinion – is it really worth reading it, and whether you will recommend it to the other Powwow members.
Give a chance to your imagination and enrich your lifestyle!
- All
- Children's literature
- Children's encyclopedias
- Gamebooks
- Economics, Management, Human resources
- Computer and Information Technology
- Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Crime fiction
- Science fiction
- Autobiography
- Fantasy
- Thriller
- Other
- Encyclopedias
- Science
- History
- German literature
- Travel
- Специализирана и Техническа литература
- Селско и горско стопанство
- Растениевъдство
- Дом и семейство
- Кулинарни книги
- Изкуство
- Филология и езикознание
Contact us
Please, find the Dodo Academy team,
or write to.
+359 893 506 132+359 893 506 106

Манчев срещу Шишков: 52 срещу 52
Author: Таньо Шишков, Иван МанчевPublisher: Lidl
Year of publishing: 2015
Rating: 0 / 0 votes

Само за двама, 390 здравословни рецепти
Author: Будинка ГеоргиеваPublisher: Булдара
Year of publishing: 2009
Rating: 0 / 0 votes