Product of the month

Чудатите роботи на LooneyTools
Удивителни метални скулптури на малки и по-големи роботи. Всеки един е уникален и излязал изпод изкусните ръце на автора си - Чудомир Драгнев - Чудото от LooneyTools.
Малките роботчета могат да бъдат окачвани и като амулети и съществуват в два варианта - сребристи и червеникави.
Големите са лимитирана серия - произведени са само 40 и няма да има други такива.
Тези великолепни произведения можете да намерите специално в CYBAR, като разбира се за клубни членове на Powwow Club има специална цена!
Малките роботи са с редовна цена 50 лева за брой (30 лева клубна), а големите са на стойност 130 лева за брой (100 лева за клубни членове).
Ако желаете да закупите, попитайте на бара!
А как са направени раберете от това видео - Loneytoys by Looneytools

Bamboo straws
An alternative that matters!
This month for the "Product of the Month" we have chosen something handy and awesome for our customers, which resonates even worldwide.
4 biodegradable reusable straws from sustainably grown bamboo (a variety that pandas do not consume) complete with a stainless steel cleaning brush.
Simple but efficient. Use at home, at work, in the bar and just take it everywhere.

Powwow Club t-shirts
Fresh, blue Powwow Club t-shirtsThe club's stylish t-shirts can be purchased from Cybar. Our available sizes are:Men's t-shirts: S, M, L, XLLadies t-Shirts: S, M, LOur product for this month is made of single leotard with composition - 95% cotton, 5% elastane. Extremely soft, lightweight and attractive.For admirers, for fans, for gifts!

Cotton Bag Summer Powwow
This month, our product of the month is inspired and dedicated to Summer Powwow.
Bag of 100% natural cotton, size 37x42 cm, suitable for everything, to care it everywhere. On the color of natural cotton we printed the logo of Summer Powwow 2019, for which you can read more, here.
You can buy such a comfortable and cool bag from the summer Cybar in the village of Gostilitsa.

Sport water bottle
For hot weather, for cold drinks.
To your attention - product of the month: Kraftmagnet Sports Bottle.
The multi-use water bottle is made of tritan and has a capacity of 650 ml., branded with the logo of our Kraftmagnet sports center. Its convenient cap allows easy filling and easy carrying around.
For athletes, hydration, gift!

Powwow Club T-shirts
Spring suggestion – Powwow Club t-shirts.
You can buy the stylish t-shirts at Cybar. The available sizes are:
Male t-shirts: S, M, L, XL
Female t-shirts: S, M, L
Our product for this month has a composition of - 95% cotton, 5% elastane.
For admirers, for fans, for gifts!

Palo Santo Sticks
The Palo Santo tree, from Spanish - the Holy Tree, was used by the Incas as a means of spiritual purification. This tree is not so known in Bulgaria, but its exceptional qualities carry his glory all over the world.
It is believed that the aromatic tree has a positive effect, provides energy protection, discards the negative energy, uplifts the spirit, and brings success... But it also has practical effects, as to cure headaches, relieve the symptoms of cold and flu, stress, asthma, anxiety, depression, inflammation, etc. It acts favorably on the immune and nervous system and speeds recovery.
Its origin is from South America, where local people often use it for tea. "Palo Santo" is a lemon-type compound that is believed to have a chemotherapeutic effect.
You can carry a piece of Palo Santo tree in your purse, in your pocket, in the cabinet, in the car and where you can only think of. It smells, soothes and excites. Most often, it's used by igniting it instead of aromatic sticks. After ignition it starts to smolder, and after a few seconds, the space is filled with sweet aroma and notes of eucalyptus.